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Using Email Lead Capture to Expand Your Ecommerce Business

Using Email Lead Capture to Expand Your Ecommerce Business

Email lead capturing is necessary as email is still king. While email marketing is the oldest sales channel, it continues to exceed all others. Email is intimate, direct, and transactional. When you consider just these three considerations, it’s difficult to dismiss email as a legitimate marketing medium.

However, in order to run efficient email marketing campaigns, you must first compile a list of leads. This is when establishing an email list becomes a crucial marketing activity. You must always be growing your email list.

In this essay, we’ll go over some of the main reasons why you should be actively building your email list on a regular basis. Then we’ll go on to other list-building tactics that will significantly boost traffic conversion and email capture.

What makes email so valuable?

By far the most valuable sales channel, email outperforms all other main channels by about twofold. Email converts 4X better than social and 1.5X better than search! However, before you can gain these types of benefits from email marketing, you must first build an audience. The greatest place to begin is by expanding your email list.

Every dollar invested on email marketing yields a $40 return! It’s evident where you should be putting your money. Build your list, then build it again! You may leverage on the extraordinary efficacy of this channel by marketing to a bigger email list of leads and customers.

The powerful combo of traffic conversion and email acquisition!

Converting visitors is one of the most challenging components of digital marketing for ecommerce firms. On average, 98 percent of new visitors abandon your site without turning into a lead or transaction. Even if visitors are interested in what you have to offer, they may forget about your website. (People are easily side-tracked!) Given that most ecommerce sites get a higher percentage of new visitors, it only makes sense to invest in converting these visitors.

Simply engaging visitors and asking them to join your mailing list will significantly improve email capture while converting a larger proportion of traffic. Once you have their email address, you can advertise to them and drive them back to your website, resulting in additional sales chances! This also offers the possibility to boosting purchases from customers who must be advertised to over time.

Common Concern: Why would I want an email when I might request a sale?

The great majority of new customers will not make a purchase on their first visit. While some customers may purchase on their first visit, this is uncommon, therefore it’s critical to encourage as many new shoppers to convert as possible. Obtaining an email address is, without a doubt, the most important marketing conversion for an online firm.

How to Create an Email List

The usage of email pop-ups is the most effective approach to enhance email list growth. Because of its success in list creation, traffic conversion, and sales impact, this approach is commonly employed by ecommerce marketers.

Email pop-ups for may convert 5-10% of daily website visitors and are useful in promotional and content marketing tactics. Many shops may utilise pop-ups to give buyers a discount or free delivery. Content upgrades, contest entries, product updates, and other perks are also available. The email pop-adaptability up’s offers marketers with a range of applications, making it accessible to every ecommerce organisation.

Another advantageous use of email pop-ups is the opportunity to obtain more control over your buying experience. Consider this: you’ve spent a lot of time and money attracting visitors to your website. However, once individuals arrive, you have little influence over their sessions. Email pop-ups enable you to interact with your visitors during their stay, turn them into leads, and motivate them to buy.

Using email pop-ups for email leads without bothering your visitors

It’s critical to understand that utilising email pop-ups for is a numbers game. The more visitors you interact with, the more conversions you’ll get. This does not, however, imply that you must offend your visitors. There are methods to engage consumers in a meaningful and valuable manner.

Here’s a brief rundown of email pop-up best practises:

Present email pop-ups to new visitors only.
Display a pop-up after a number of page loads. This allows time for browsing.
Add a delay. Show your pop-up 7-15 seconds after a visitor land on your site.
Use an exit pop-up. This will only display when a visitor is about to leave your site.
Use a scroll pop-up. The pop-up will display when a visitor scrolls a percentage of a page.
Only display pop-up on certain pages.
Only display pop-up after a visitor takes certain actions.
Display specific pop-ups to visitors landing from a specific traffic source.
Use a signup bar.

This list merely touches the surface of email pop-up targeting and segmentation. Examine your options for delivering a more relevant email pop-up at a time when consumers are more likely to convert!

Mobile Pop-up Best Practices

As mobile traffic grows in popularity, it is critical to have email collection solutions in place to convert mobile traffic. Mobile pop-ups are a terrific method to grow your email list, but there are a few things you should know before.

The design of mobile pop-ups should be tailored to the mobile browser. Less text, greater font size, and a larger call to action are all recommended. If you merely utilise the desktop style, your mobile pop-up will be unreadable and will take up too much space in the browser window. This also applies to mobile-friendly pop-ups. Mobile is no longer considered secondary. Create a pop-up specifically for mobile.

Google’s policy for mobile search and mobile pop-ups were revised on January 10th, 2017. Google aims to make mobile search information more accessible and discourages the practise of showing a mobile pop-up soon after a visitor navigates to a page from search results.

The following example complies with Google’s mobile regulations and may be utilised to engage your mobile search visitors.

This ONLY applies to Google mobile search traffic and only to the first page of search results. This implies you may safely show mobile pop-ups to traffic from other sources. For organic Google search traffic, you may either display the compliant mobile pop-up or a complete mobile pop-up to a visitor on the second page of your site. Check out this blog article for a complete analysis of this upgrade and mobile best practises.

Finally, although mobile traffic is growing, conversion rates will be reluctant to catch up. Many customers will explore on mobile and then buy on desktop. This emphasises the necessity of obtaining an email from mobile visitors, so don’t overlook them!

Create more conversions

Your pop-up should accurately reflect your business, with clear, succinct language and a compelling call to action. Concentrate on these three factors, and your email pop-ups should have a good conversion rate.