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Welcome to Computer Concepts course! Explore computing basics and common digital applications. Begin with computer components, OS interface, and word processing. Move to spreadsheets, internet navigation, communication tools, and presentations. Discover digital financial services. Gain a solid understanding of fundamental concepts and practical digital skills for today's world.

Course Price:
Original price was: £194.00.Current price is: £19.99.
Course Duration:
4 hours, 41 minutes
Total Lectures:
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Welcome to the Computer Concepts course, where you will learn the fundamental concepts of computing and the applications that are widely used in today's digital world. In the Introduction to Computer module, you will learn about the basic components of a computer system, including hardware, software, and storage devices. You will gain an understanding of the different types of computers and their functions.

Next, you will explore the Graphical User Interface (GUI) based Operating Systems, where you will learn about the Windows and macOS operating systems. You will become familiar with the interface of these operating systems, their features, and functions. Elements of Word Processing is a crucial component of computer applications. You will learn about the essential elements of word processing, including formatting, editing, and printing. You will explore Microsoft Word and Google Docs and gain an understanding of the features and functions of these applications.

Spreadsheet software is an essential tool for managing and analyzing data. You will learn about the functions and features of Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets, including formulas, formatting, and data analysis. In the Introduction to Internet, WWW, Browsers module, you will learn about the World Wide Web, the internet, and the different types of web browsers. You will gain an understanding of how to navigate the web, search engines, and the different types of websites.

Communication and Collaboration are vital skills in today's digital world. You will explore the different tools and applications used for communication and collaboration, including email, instant messaging, and video conferencing. Application of Presentations is a crucial component of computer applications. You will learn about the elements of a good presentation, including design, content, and delivery. You will explore Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides and gain an understanding of the features and functions of these applications.

Digital Financial Services are becoming increasingly popular in today's digital world. You will learn about the different digital financial services available, including online banking, mobile payment systems, and digital wallets. You will gain an understanding of the features and functions of these services and their benefits.

By the end of this course, you will have a thorough understanding of the fundamental concepts of computing and the applications that are widely used in today's digital world. You will be well-equipped to use various computer applications and make informed decisions when using digital technologies.

What Will You Learn?

  • Introduction to fundamental concepts of computing
  • Understanding of computer hardware, software, and storage devices
  • Exploring GUI-based Operating Systems (e.g. Windows and macOS)
  • Essential elements of word processing, including formatting, editing, and printing
  • Working with Microsoft Word and Google Docs
  • Spreadsheet software, including the functions and features of Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets
  • Introduction to the World Wide Web (WWW), the internet, and web browsers
  • Navigating the web, search engines, and different types of websites
  • Tools and applications for communication and collaboration, such as email, instant messaging, and video conferencing
  • Elements of a good presentation, including design, content, and delivery
  • Working with Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides
  • Understanding digital financial services, such as online banking, mobile payment systems, and digital wallets.

Who Should Take The Course

The Computer Concepts course is suitable for anyone who is interested in gaining a foundational understanding of computing concepts and applications. It is particularly useful for those who are new to using computers and digital technology, as well as those who want to enhance their existing skills.

This course can benefit students, business professionals, entrepreneurs, and anyone who wants to improve their digital literacy skills. It is also beneficial for anyone who wants to learn about the essential tools and applications used in the workplace and in daily life. Overall, this course is a great starting point for anyone who wants to gain an understanding of the basics of computing and digital technology.


  • Access to a computer or laptop with an internet connection
  • Basic computer literacy, including familiarity with navigating the internet, using a keyboard and mouse, and opening and closing applications
  • Familiarity with the English language, as the course is taught in English

Course Curriculum

    • Introduction to Computer 00:32:00
    • Introduction to GUI-based OS 00:34:00
    • Elements of Word Processing 00:34:00
    • Spread Sheet 00:31:00
    • Introduction to Internet, WWW, Browsers 00:31:00
    • Communication & Collaboration 00:32:00
    • Application of Presentations 00:32:00
    • Application of Digital Financial Services 00:50:00
    • Order Certificate 00:05:00

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