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Embark on an intellectual exploration of metaphysical concepts and inquiries with our Metaphysics Level 3 Advanced Diploma course. From epistemology and ontology to the philosophy of mind and consciousness, this programme offers a comprehensive study of metaphysical principles and theories. Perfect for philosophy enthusiasts and students seeking to deepen their understanding of existence and reality, this advanced diploma equips learners with profound insights and analytical skills to navigate the complexities of metaphysical inquiry.

Course Price:
Original price was: £194.00.Current price is: £19.99.
Course Duration:
5 hours, 35 minutes
Total Lectures:
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Embark on an intellectual journey into the realms of existence, consciousness, and reality with our Metaphysics Level 3 Advanced Diploma course. Delve deep into the philosophical exploration of metaphysical concepts and inquiries, from the nature of being to the fundamental principles of reality. This advanced diploma programme offers a comprehensive study of metaphysics, equipping learners with profound insights and analytical skills to navigate the complexities of existence.

What Will You Learn?

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of metaphysical concepts and inquiries.
  • Explore epistemology and its relation to metaphysical inquiry, examining theories of knowledge and truth.
  • Investigate metaphysical ontology, delving into questions of existence, identity, and essence.
  • Examine the philosophy of mind and consciousness, exploring the nature of thought, perception, and self-awareness.
  • Analyse the metaphysics of time and space, questioning the nature of temporal and spatial reality.
  • Discuss the intersection of metaphysics and ethics, exploring moral and existential implications.
  • Explore the evolving landscape of metaphysics in the 21st century, considering contemporary debates and perspectives.

Who Should Take The Course?

  • Philosophy enthusiasts eager to deepen their understanding of metaphysical concepts and inquiries.
  • Students pursuing academic or professional studies in philosophy, theology, or related fields.
  • Individuals interested in exploring profound questions of existence, consciousness, and reality.


  • Completion of Metaphysics Level 2 or equivalent qualification.
  • A solid foundation in philosophical concepts and analytical thinking.
  • Access to course materials and resources.

Course Curriculum

    • Historical Overview of Metaphysical Thought 00:10:00
    • Key Concepts in Metaphysics Being, Substance, and Reality 00:10:00
    • The Role of Metaphysics in Philosophy and Science 00:10:00
    • Understanding Metaphysics Definition and Scope 00:10:00
    • Methods of Metaphysical Inquiry 00:10:00
    • Rationalism vs. Empiricism in Metaphysics 00:10:00
    • Skepticism and its Challenges to Metaphysical Claims 00:10:00
    • The Nature of Knowledge Epistemological Foundations 00:10:00
    • Causation and Determinism in Metaphysical Discourse 00:10:00
    • Identity and Change Persistence and Temporality 00:10:00
    • Ontological Categories Substance, Property, and Relation 00:10:00
    • The Problem of Universals 00:10:00
    • Consciousness and Subjectivity 00:10:00
    • Free Will and Determinism in the Context of Metaphysics 00:10:00
    • Personal Identity and the Self Continuity and Unity 00:10:00
    • The Mind-Body Problem Dualism vs. Materialism 00:10:00
    • The Nature of Time A Metaphysical Perspective 00:10:00
    • The Philosophy of Space Absolute vs. Relative Conceptions 00:10:00
    • The Relationship between Time, Space, and Reality 00:10:00
    • Time Travel and its Philosophical Implications 00:10:00
    • Ethical Naturalism and Non-Naturalism 00:10:00
    • Metaethical Questions The Nature of Good and Evil 00:10:00
    • Moral Realism vs. Moral Relativism 00:10:00
    • The Role of Metaphysics in Ethical Theory 00:10:00
    • Contemporary Debates and Issues in Metaphysics 00:10:00
    • Future Directions in Metaphysical Inquiry 00:10:00
    • Intersectionality Metaphysics and Other Disciplines 00:10:00
    • Practical Applications of Metaphysical Insights 00:10:00
    • Exam of Metaphysics Level 3 Advanced Diploma 00:50:00
    • Order Certificate 00:05:00

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