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The Python Basics e-course is ideal for absolute beginners looking to start programming. It covers Python's fundamentals, from setup to syntax, data types, and functions. You'll even create beginner-friendly Python games. Explore file structures and regular expressions, plus complete a Python project for a comprehensive grasp of programming. Whether you're new or refreshing your skills, this course is for you. Start your journey to becoming a Python programmer today!

Course Price:
Original price was: £194.00.Current price is: £19.99.
Course Duration:
6 hours, 19 minutes
Total Lectures:
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Average Rating:


The Python Basics Coding for Absolute Beginners: Programming e-course is the perfect starting point for anyone who wants to learn to program. The course covers the basics of Python programming, one of the most widely used and beginner-friendly programming languages. The course starts with an introduction to Python and how to set up your development environment. From there, you'll learn the basics of Python programming, including syntax, basic data types, and basic operations. You'll then delve into topics like Python strings, operators, sequences, statements, control flow statements, and functions.

One of the highlights of this course is the section on creating Python games for beginners, which will help you apply your newfound knowledge in a fun and interactive way. You'll also learn how to work with file structures and regular expressions, and complete a Python project, giving you a comprehensive understanding of Python programming.

Whether you're a complete beginner or just looking to brush up on your Python skills, this e-course is for you. The course material is designed to be easy to understand and fun to learn, so you can take your first steps towards a successful programming career with confidence. So why wait? Start your journey towards becoming a Python programmer today!

What Will You Learn?

  • The basics of Python programming including syntax and basic data types
  • How to use Python strings, operators, sequences, statements, and control flow statements
  • Techniques for creating Python games for beginners
  • How to work with file structures and regular expressions in Python
  • Strategies for developing and completing a Python project
  • Problem-solving skills using Python programming
  • Basic concepts of computer programming and how to apply them in Python

Who Should Take The Python Basics Coding Course?

  • Absolute beginners with no prior programming experience
  • Individuals interested in learning the basics of Python programming
  • Students looking to explore computer science or software development as a career
  • Entrepreneurs and freelancers who want to add Python programming to their skill set
  • Anyone looking to automate routine tasks or develop simple applications
  • Those who are curious about programming and want to see if they enjoy it
  • Non-technical individuals looking to understand the basics of computer programming


To enrol in the "Python Basics Coding for Absolute Beginners: Programming" e-learning course, students are required to have a computer with an internet connection. The course is designed for complete beginners, so no prior programming experience is required. A text editor and Python software will be necessary to follow along with the coding exercises and hands-on projects. Enthusiasm for learning and a willingness to dive into the world of programming is all that's needed to get started. So, if you're ready to take your first steps towards becoming a programmer, enrol in this e-course today and start coding with Python!

Course Curriculum

    • Course Introduction 00:02:00
    • Course Curriculum 00:03:00
    • How to get Pre-requisites 00:01:00
    • Getting Started on Windows, Linux or Mac 00:00:57
    • How to ask Great Questions 00:01:00
    • FAQs 00:01:00
    • Introduction to Python 00:02:00
    • Python vs Other Languages 00:03:00
    • Why Its Popular 00:03:00
    • Command Line Basics 00:06:00
    • Python Installation (Step By Step) 00:05:00
    • PyCharm IDE Installation 00:07:00
    • Getting Start PyCharm IDE 00:04:00
    • First Python Hello World Program 00:07:00
    • Assessment Test1 00:01:00
    • Solution for Assessment Test1 00:01:00
    • Summary 00:01:00
    • Introduction 00:01:00
    • Variables 00:16:00
    • Data Types 00:13:00
    • Type Casting 00:07:00
    • Data Types 00:13:00
    • User Inputs 00:07:00
    • Type Casting 00:07:00
    • Comments 00:03:00
    • Assessment Test2 00:01:00
    • Solution for Assessment Test2 00:01:00
    • Summary 00:01:00
    • Introduction 00:01:00
    • Strings 00:04:00
    • String Slicing 00:03:00
    • String Built-in Functions 00:08:00
    • Formatting String (Dynamic Data) 00:04:00
    • Assessment Test3 00:01:00
    • Solution for Assessment Test3 00:01:00
    • Summary 00:01:00
    • Introduction 00:02:00
    • Arithmetic Operators 00:07:00
    • Assignment Operators 00:04:00
    • Comparison Operators 00:05:00
    • Logical Operators 00:02:00
    • AND Operator 00:04:00
    • OR Operator 00:02:00
    • NOT Operator 00:02:00
    • Booleans 00:02:00
    • Assessment Test4 00:01:00
    • Solution for Assessment Test4 00:01:00
    • Summary 00:01:00
    • Introduction 00:02:00
    • Arrays in Earler 00:01:00
    • Lists 00:05:00
    • Add List Items 00:02:00
    • Remove List Items 00:01:00
    • Sort Lists 00:02:00
    • Join Lists 00:07:00
    • Tuples 00:07:00
    • Update tuples 00:06:00
    • Join tuples 00:01:00
    • Dictionaries 00:06:00
    • Add Dictionary Items 00:04:00
    • Remove Dictionary Items 00:02:00
    • Sets 00:03:00
    • Add Set Items 00:03:00
    • Remove Set Items 00:01:00
    • Join Set Items 00:03:00
    • Assessment Test5 00:01:00
    • Solution for Assessment Test5 00:02:00
    • Summary 00:01:00
    • Introduction 00:02:00
    • If Statement 00:03:00
    • If-else Statement 00:04:00
    • If-elif-else Statement 00:03:00
    • If Statement Coding Excercise 00:04:00
    • Assessment Test6 00:02:00
    • Solution for Assessment Test6 00:01:00
    • Summary 00:01:00
    • Introduction 00:04:00
    • Flow Charts 00:06:00
    • While Loops Statement 00:09:00
    • For Loops Statement 00:06:00
    • The Break Statement 00:03:00
    • The Continue Statement 00:02:00
    • The range() Function 00:03:00
    • Nested Loops 00:03:00
    • 2D List using Nested Loop 00:03:00
    • Assessment Test7 00:01:00
    • Solution for Assessment Test7 00:03:00
    • Summary 00:01:00
    • Introduction 00:00:40
    • Guessing Game 00:07:00
    • Car Game 00:09:00
    • Summary 00:01:00
    • Introduction 00:01:00
    • Creating a Function 00:03:00
    • Calling a Function 00:06:00
    • Function with Arguments 00:04:00
    • args, Arbitary Arguments 00:04:00
    • kwargs, Arbitary Keyword Arguments 00:06:00
    • Summary 00:01:00
    • Reading Files 00:09:00
    • Creating_Writing Files 00:06:00
    • Delete Files 00:02:00
    • Summary 00:01:00
    • Introduction 00:01:00
    • RegEx Module 00:07:00
    • Introduction 00:02:00
    • Project Overview 00:03:00
    • Summary 00:01:00
    • Bonus Lecture for What Next 00:01:00
    • Order Certificate 00:05:00

Course Reviews


3 ratings
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  • 1 stars1
  1. avatar Nail Technician
    Holly Clements-FinchSeptember 30, 2023 at 10:34 am
    Good introduction for people new to programming

    Good course, very basic, so that any person can follow along. My criticism would be, minor typos and the pacing. I have found pacing too slow. But this is just my perspective, those concepts are not new to me.
    Thank you

  2. avatar Nail Technician
    Bad english

    It is very hard to grasp complex concepts when the course is written in poor English, with bad sentence structure and a ton of filler words.

  3. avatar Nail Technician
    Not working

    It’s not unlocking the next lesson when you finish the previous one.

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