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The Security Analyst course provides comprehensive knowledge and skills in security management, risk analysis, protection, resilience, investigations, and legal compliance. Gain expertise in security principles, risk assessment, physical and information protection, crisis management, cybersecurity, fraud prevention, investigations, and relevant laws. Excel in security analysis and advance your career in security management, risk analysis, or investigations.

Course Price:
Original price was: £194.00.Current price is: £19.99.
Course Duration:
4 hours, 55 minutes
Total Lectures:
Total Students:
Average Rating:


The Security Analyst course is designed to equip individuals with comprehensive knowledge and skills in security management, risk analysis, protection, resilience, and investigations. Through a series of engaging lectures, participants will gain an understanding of various aspects of security management and their practical applications in different organizational settings. The course begins with an introduction to security management, providing a solid foundation for participants to comprehend the key principles, concepts, and frameworks in the field. They will explore the role of security management in ensuring the safety and protection of people, assets, and information within organizations.

Organizational security management is a crucial topic covered in the course. Participants will learn how to develop and implement effective security policies, procedures, and controls tailored to meet the specific needs and challenges of different organizations. They will understand the importance of establishing a security culture and fostering employee awareness and engagement in security practices. Security risk analysis and risk reduction are vital components addressed in the course. Participants will gain insights into conducting risk assessments, identifying vulnerabilities, and implementing risk mitigation strategies. They will learn how to evaluate threats, prioritize risks, and develop risk reduction plans to enhance organizational security.

Furthermore, the course delves into physical and information security protection. Participants will explore techniques for safeguarding physical assets, premises, and sensitive information. They will gain an understanding of access control, surveillance systems, security measures, and security technology applications to protect against potential threats. Business resilience and crisis management are essential topics covered in the course. Participants will learn how to develop and implement business continuity plans, crisis response strategies, and incident management protocols. They will understand the importance of preparedness, effective communication, and decision-making during crises and emergencies.

Cybersecurity and fraud prevention form significant components of the course. Participants will learn about the latest cyber threats, common attack vectors, and best practices to protect digital assets and sensitive data. They will explore fraud detection and prevention techniques to mitigate financial losses and maintain the integrity of organizational operations. Moreover, the course covers security investigations and threat awareness. Participants will gain knowledge of investigative techniques, evidence gathering, and incident response procedures. They will understand the importance of threat awareness, intelligence gathering, and proactive measures to mitigate security risks.

Laws and regulations related to security management are addressed in the course. Participants will gain an understanding of relevant legislation, regulatory frameworks, and compliance requirements. They will learn about privacy laws, data protection regulations, and legal considerations in security operations. Upon completion of the Security Analyst course, participants will possess the necessary knowledge and skills to analyze security risks, implement protective measures, manage crises, conduct investigations, and ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations. Whether pursuing a career in security management, risk analysis, or investigations, this course provides a solid foundation for individuals aiming to excel in the field of security analysis.

What Will You Learn?

  • Introduction to security management principles and frameworks.
  • Organizational security management, including policy development and employee engagement.
  • Security risk analysis techniques and risk reduction strategies.
  • Physical and information security protection measures.
  • Business resilience and crisis management strategies.
  • Cybersecurity practices and fraud prevention techniques.
  • Security investigations and threat awareness.
  • Laws and regulations related to security management and compliance.

Who Should Take The Course

  • Aspiring security analysts or security managers seeking to acquire comprehensive knowledge and skills in the field.
  • Security professionals who want to enhance their expertise in security management, risk analysis, and investigations.
  • Individuals involved in organizational security, risk assessment, and protection of physical and information assets.
  • Professionals responsible for business continuity planning and crisis management.
  • IT professionals interested in expanding their knowledge of cybersecurity and fraud prevention.
  • Law enforcement personnel involved in security investigations and threat mitigation.
  • Anyone interested in gaining a comprehensive understanding of security management principles, laws, and best practices.


  • Have a basic understanding of security concepts and principles.
  • Possess basic computer skills and proficiency in using software applications.
  • Be proficient in English (UK) language.
  • Have access to a computer or laptop with internet connectivity.
  • Have a genuine interest in security management, risk analysis, or investigations.
  • Be committed and dedicated to completing the course.

Course Curriculum

    • Introduction to Security Management 00:35:00
    • Organisational Security Management 00:40:00
    • Security Risk Analysis and Risk Reduction 00:30:00
    • Physical and Information Security Protection 00:45:00
    • Business Resilience and Crisis Management 00:35:00
    • Cyber Security and Fraud Prevention 00:30:00
    • Security Investigations and Threat Awareness 00:40:00
    • Laws and Regulations 00:35:00
    • Order Certificate 00:05:00

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